Monday, November 29, 2004

Another One Bites The Dust...

Hello all...

Just writing a quick note to let everyone know that my cell phone will be out of commission for the next couple of days. For reasons that I cannot explain, my phone has disappeared. Unless I find it when I tear the RV apart in ABQ, I'll have to get a new phone mailed to me there. Alas, I am now remembering what it was like before cell phones. Kind of nice, but also disconcerting. It's strange how accustomed we become to modern conveniences that we ourselves used to live without. Anyway, if anyone didn't get my mass email, please email your phone numbers to I'll make sure to post and let everyone know when I get my new phone. Hope all is well!

Friday, November 26, 2004

The Kindness of Strangers...

Hey everybody!

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, but I couldn't get to a computer. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and were able to spend it with family, or at least some close friends.

The band and I were lucky enough to be treated to an incredible Thanksgiving feast given by some very kind people we met in Elko the first time we visited. Stacy and Kim, along with their beautiful daughter Madiera, invited us over to their place for dinner.

Kim outdid herself, preparing everything expected (and a few things that weren't) and ensuring that no one left hungry! We had turkey that was falling off the bone and very flavorful, a ham studded with cloves (which I'd never had.. VERY good!) and finished with a honey-citrus glaze, cauliflower gratin, green bean casserole (complete with Durkee onions on top), mashed taters (with lumps so you KNOW they're real!), candied yams (another first) and the traditional sage dressing. Kim had never made stuffing from scratch before, and me being quite the expert, I was a little skeptical. After looking at the recipe though, which bore quite a resemblance to Grace's, I was relieved. After tasting the finished product, I assured Kim that she was, in fact, a stuffing expert!

(A tip for all you cooks out there... next Thanksgiving, do NOT put stuffing inside your bird. [sorry Dad...] Stuffing your bird can introduce bacteria from the bird's cavity into the stuffing. Plus it makes the bird take longer to cook, which dries out the white meat, and the stuffing is hard to get fully cooked. So if you want stuffing, make "dressing" instead and bake it alongside the turkey in a seperate container. Ahh, the things you learn from Food Network...)

Kim also had two WONDERFUL pies, pumpkin and apple. I, of course, gorged myself on the pumpkin pie, as it is my favorite! Kim didn't have a pie pan, so she baked it in a 9x13 baking dish. This was actually a pretty cool thing, because the pie was easier to cut and also easier to serve. All in all, it was a wonderful meal shared with great friends. I hope your Thanksgiving was as wonderful as mine.

This being the day after Thanksgiving, the busiest shopping day of the year, I thought I would publish my Christmas List so no one has to ask Mom "What does Keith want this year?". I really don't want much except to be with my family. There are a few, moderately expensive things that I would like though, if you feel the urge to buy a gift:

An Apple iPod or the Dell equivalent. (I'm not sure what size memory though, so if anyone can help with that, please email me)

Starbucks, Wal-Mart or Best Buy gift cards. ($20 goes a LONG way at Starbucks!)

Time-Life Classic Country CD series

"Genius Loves Company" Ray Charles' last studio album

"Greatest Hits" or "The Complete Country Western Recordings" by Ray Charles

"Queen on Fire at the Bowl" DVD (probably a special order item)

"Spider-Man 2" DVD 2-disc set

Superman DVD boxed set (I think there's a set with all the movies)

Family Guy Volume Two DVD set

Smallville 3rd Season DVD set

That's all I've got for now... going to go to the Sound Stage website though, so I might find some other concert videos.. he he he! Don't feel obligated to buy a gift though, because Christmas is not about presents, it's about the togetherness of family and friends, and that is the BEST present!

Ta-Ta For Now! (TTFN!)

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

What'd I Say?

Just saw the Ray Charles biopic, 'Ray' last night. One word - AMAZING! I couldn't tell that Jamie Foxx was Jamie Foxx until one scene where he had the glasses off and his eyes open! He did an excellent job portraying Ray, and he even sang and played piano (quite well) in a couple of scenes.

The movie did a great job on the traumatic events of Ray's life (going blind, struggles with heroin and alcohol) and also his womanizing traits. It was amazing to see just how 'normal' he was. Seeing (quite literally) this movie made me REALLY appreciate the fact that I have all four senses. Although I was a little jealous of the fact that Ray's hearing worked so well, making up for his lack of sight. I can't imagine what it would be like to be blind, or even to have that incredible sense of sound.

I've often played my drums with my eyes closed, sometimes for two or three songs, just to prove to myself that I could do it. I do sometimes think about what it would be like to lose my sight. Probably frustrating at times, but not unbearable. If I had to choose, I would much rather lose my sight than my hearing. I couldn't live without music or the ability to make it.

After viewing this movie, I'm reminded just how much of a genius Ray Charles Robinson really was. He was able to blend country, blues, rock and soul WAY before Nelly or Tim McGraw were even born. (They have a new duet out, for the uninformed).

Anyone looking to buy my love this Christmas can get me the soundtrack to "Ray" or a Ray Charles Greatest Hits, or the Complete Country Western Recordings album. I need some Ray in my collection!

Also, I'm in need of five Fleetwood Mac albums which were lifted from my collection by a keyboard player who shall remain nameless.. the albums are:
Fleetwood Mac's Greatest Hits (green album),
The Dance,
The Very Best of Fleetwood Mac (2-disc set, white)
and the self-titled Fleetwood Mac album that features Blue Letter, Landslide and Rhiannon.

Hope you all have a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Random Thoughts...

Hello again...

Yes, I realize that this is the THIRD post this week. I'm in Elko, Nevada... remember??? Anyway, I was doing some thinking today in the shower. "In the shower?" you may ask. Why yes, in the shower. For a couple of reasons:
  • There's not much else to do in there
  • No TV, Radio, noisy roomies to distract me
  • Usually I'm totally relaxed and my brain is on overload

Well anyway... I was thinking about a few things and I wanted some other people's perspectives.

Are the "Jesus is my homeboy"/"Mary is my homegirl" shirts disrespectful? I understand and dig the message, but is using hip-hop slang appropriate? I'm still undecided on that fact.

What does Jesus think about the "televangelists" on late-night cable pandering for money? Does He really feel that they are spreading the "Good News"? Does he receive a portion of every dollar? (temples, altars, sacrifice...well, okay, no sacrifices)

That's about all I had today...

Yesterday I enjoyed watching my Iowa Hawkeyes destroy the Wisconsin Badgers to become the Big Ten co-Champions! GO HAWKS! Sing along if you know it: "In heaven there is no beer/that's why we drink it here/and when we're gone from here/our friends will be drinking all the beer!" (For the uninformed: The Hawkeye marching band plays this at all games)

In other news: My best friend Mikey D., with whom I performed in Lonesome Road, has asked his girlfriend Amber to marry him. She said yes. Mikey wants ME to be best man! Talk about responsibility. I think I can handle it though, since the wedding is going to be in St. Thomas. Congratulations Mikey!

That's all the news that's fit to print for now. See you all soon and please remember to help control the pet population, have your pet spayed or neutered! (Sorry.. Bob Barker moment!)

Saturday, November 20, 2004

These are a few of my favorite things...

Hey everybody!

This is your lucky week, because I, your humble correspondent (sorry O'Reilly), am posting TWICE this week! I was planning to post this two days ago, but Blogger was being fussy, so it deleted my post. I will attempt to remember everything I wrote, but I make no promises!

Sitting here in Starbucks, I am enjoying another Pumpkin Spice Latte. The latte and the joyus holiday, excuse me, CHRISTMAS music (politically correct I ain't!) coming from the overhead speakers take me on a trip back into my memories of Christmases past. I thought I would share with you some of my favorite memories of Christmas, and the hope that I might experience some of them this year.

The feeling of excitement when the first load of firewood arrives at the house (although I always put up a fuss when Dad asks me to help unload it!)...

Grinning like a Cheshire cat when the first fire is lit in the woodburning stove...

Shopping for the perfect Douglas Fir or Scotch Pine with Dad at Mr. Homegrown...

Mom bitching when we bring the tree inside because we're getting needles all over the carpet... (Mom, the carpet is green... it'll blend in!)

Excavating beneath the stairs to retrieve all of the Christmas decorations...

Mom and I spending a Saturday afternoon turning the house into a Norman Rockwell painting...
(I still don't understand why we can't leave the decorations up all year... they look so pretty!)

Waiting with baited breath for Dad to return home from deer hunting in Clermont so we can decorate the tree...

Decorating the tree to the strains of Gene Autry singing all our Christmas favorites...

Dad cussing the tangled extension cords as he wrestles with the bubble lights...

Mom grinning from ear-to-ear as each one of my "baby" ornaments is found and hung...
(Who says Mom's not a packrat?!?)

Dad smiling bigger than I've ever seen when the ornament with the picture of Grace and Len is found...

Feeling the lump in my throat, the tears in my eyes and the pride in my heart as I get to hang my sister Brandi's ornament at the top of the tree...
(Forever my guardian angel...)

Watching our current dog (Rex, Brandy, Frannie and now Delsie) help Dad and I hang the tinsel on the tree...

Seeing the space below the tree grow smaller and smaller as more and more gifts are placed there...

Gathering as many family members as possible to spend the night on Christmas Eve...

Dad's Prime Rib for Christmas Eve dinner...

Christmas carols by the fire...

B&B, coffee and RumpleMintz in chocolate shot glasses as we wait for Santa...
(a new tradition, but a favorite nonetheless)

Christmas morning hangovers!

Racing to the banister to see what Santa left in my stocking...

Heading downstairs with coffee in hand (hangover!) to see what Santa brought me...

Watching Allyson and Dylan pass out the gifts and remembering when it used to be MY job...

Noticing that as I get older, my gifts get fewer... (Or do they?)

Dad's famous Christmas morning breakfast and then a NAP!!

Heading to Durant for the Thoma/Hansen family gathering...

Stopping off at ITC (now the Checkered Flag) to make the next day's pizza dough...

Arriving first at Grandma Chrystol's no matter WHEN we leave our house...

Getting more and more excited as each family member arrives...

Grandma Chrystol in her red sweater with the Christmas lights on it...

Stuffing myself with Grandma's Christmas cookies...
(None will EVER be better than hers!)

Passing out the gifts in Grandma's black and white checkerboard tiled basement...
(Sadly, never to happen again... sigh...)

Returning home to unwind by the tree, watching the lights glow and smiling because I realize how lucky I truly am to have such a wonderful family...

I hope you all enjoyed my trip down memory lane... I know I did. I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving.

One more note before I sign off... No matter how much the inconsiderate jerk who's in front of you at the store may upset you, or how much the stupid drivers may tee you off, don't succumb to holiday rage. Remember the spirit of this holiday... and no matter how much the media and corporate America may want to "commercialize" Christmas.. they can't change the spelling! Christmas is, was and always will be a birthday party for Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is the reason for the season, and I, for one, will NEVER forget that. I pray that you don't either.


Friday, November 19, 2004

Pre-Holiday Ramblings...

Hey everybody!

I attempted to post yesterday, but Blogger was being finicky and it deleted my post! So here I am in Elko, NV at Starbucks enjoying a Pumpkin Spice Latte as I write.

The pumpkin flavor reminds me of how much I enjoy Thanksgiving and how much I'm going to miss being home this year. This is only the second Thanksgiving I've missed, but it's just as depressing. It's funny how holidays that are supposed to be filled with joy and happiness sometimes generate the opposite effect.

When Thursday rolls around, I will be with friends (Stacy, a security guard and friend here at Stockmen's, has invited us to his house for Thanksgiving dinner), but my thoughts will be at home.

Missing Aunt Grace's turkey and sage dressing, Grandma Chrystol's pumpkin and pecan pies, wild rice casserole, and the asparagus casserole with the fried onions on top. Hopefully I'll be able to spend next year's Thanksgiving at home. I want so badly for Dad to teach me all the tricks to Grace's turkey and dressing so that, someday, I will be able to teach them to my own children as I regale them with stories and anecdotes of Aunt Grace, the cottage at Clear Lake, and Grace's house in Clermont during the holidays. I also want Grandma Chrystol to teach me the secret to her pumpkin pie... before she's not around to teach me anymore.

I know that's kind of a morbid thing to say, but as the years press on and I get older, I begin to realize that my most favorite people in the world aren't going to be around forever.

So as not to end this blog on a sad note, I'll just close by asking you all to remember to cherish your loved ones this holiday season, and on every day of the year. Tell them how much they mean to you, and don't be afraid to show them either. I hope you and yours will have a joyus Thanksgiving, make some new memories and cherish the ones from years gone by.

Happy Thanksgiving (almost!),

Thursday, November 11, 2004

"Grand" Junction... yeah, right!!

Hello all… I’m a little behind on my blog, cause we’re in Jackpot, Nevada... excuse me... Bum F*ck, Nevada, and I have no Internet… OR cell phone! I’m paying the $6.00/hr. AOL surcharge right now to post this and pay bills!

Well, Grand Junction certainly wasn’t all that grand. The first three nights (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) we played to nobody, almost nobody, and damn near nobody, respectively! Wasn’t all that bad cause we needed the practice anyway. Friday night was a whole different ballgame. We played for 7 hours on Friday. Yeah, you read that right… SEVEN hours! Well, okay, not quite seven, but close… 479 minutes. See, they have this thing called FAC (which I never got the full name of), and it starts at 5:30 pm. People come in and pay $10 and they can eat and drink all they want until 7 o’clock. So they make the band start at 6:15 and play until 1:30 am. Talk about slave drivers. And to top it off they wanted to make the band PAY to eat!!! They told us that if we wanted to eat we had to pay $3 at the door!! Oh we didn’t just go get plates anyway?!? You’re damn right we did!!!

It was kind of fun because David let the band play the whole last set, so we just jammed a whole bunch of songs. I sang Johnny Cash’s “Folsom Prison Blues” THREE times that night… plus I sang Eric Clapton’s “Cocaine” and “Wonderful Tonight”, along with “Jailhouse Rock”, “Low Rider” and “Roadhouse Blues” by the Doors. All in all it was an interesting experience to say the least. At least the band house was nice…

We’re at the Horseshu Casino in Jackpot, Nevada this week. The rooms we’re in are about the size of a breadbox, and the water heater equals out to one of those metal Stanley thermos bottles. Luxurious. I tell ya! The beds are comfortable though, and we all have our own rooms, which gives me time to practice for my new gig.

Yep, that’s right. As of December 6th, I will be leaving David’s band. I am taking a job portraying Don Henley for Tequila Sunrise. They are an Eagles tribute band out of Nashville, and our first show will be at the House of Blues in Cleveland, Ohio on December 17th... get your tickets now!! I will be returning home to Iowa on December 7th, and then heading to Nashville one week later to begin rehearsals. This is a monstrous undertaking for me because I’ve never actually tried to sing like Don before. I just hope I can hold out singing that high all night long, but with proper conditioning, I’m sure I can do it. The greatest part is that I will be playing on a six-piece kit with only 3 cymbals and a hi-hat! That means QUICK teardown!! I will miss all my other gear, but being in Nashville, I’m sure I’ll find somewhere to use it. Another great thing is that Don Henley was never a very technical drummer. He focused mainly on groove, which means that I’ll be able to really concentrate on nailing those vocal parts. The first song every night is “Hotel California”… c’mon vocal cords don’t fail me now!!

Congratulations to Keith Urban for winning Male Vocalist of the Year at the CMA’s, he deserved it! If you haven’t picked up his new album “Be Here”, get it NOW! You won’t be disappointed.
Congratulations also go to my sister Kathy and her family on their new move. I can’t wait to come to visit and see the new house!! How’s February sound???

That’s all for now. I won’t have Internet in Elko, Nevada, but there is another casino right down the street with a Starbucks that has hi-speed access. Mmmm… caffeine AND web surfing... GREAT combo! Talk to you all soon…

Peace out homies!

Thursday, November 04, 2004

On The Road Again...

"On the road again/goin' places that I've never been/seein' things that I may never see again/I can't wait to get on the road again." - Willie Nelson

Greetings and salutations again from the road. I apologize for my laziness at updating, but things have been pretty hectic on the road.

We began the tour again on October 26th, headed for Albuquerque, New Mexico. 18 hours later, we arrived in Albuquerque. The ride was pretty uneventful, and quite tiring. The shows at Cowboy's went very well, and Saturday night we opened up for Jason Boland and the Stragglers, a country-rock group from Texas. The band was very good and we all had a great time hanging out together.

During the trip I also got to hang out with my friend Lori. She's a really cool girl from Canada that works for a family in Albuquerque as a nanny. Friday night we went to The Melting Pot for dinner and had an AMAZING time. The menu was a bit pricey, but when the meat course contains filet mignon, prime rib and lamb, you can understand why. The Melting Pot is a fondue restaurant that is out of this world. The best course was the dessert course which consisted of some VERY expensive Godiva chocolate with carmel and pecans in it. If you ever get the chance to go to a fondue restaurant, DO IT! You will not be disappointed.

Sunday afternoon we headed out for Grand Junction, Colorado. We picked our route from the atlas... BAD IDEA!! We ended up WAY up in the mountains, where we really should NOT have been. This was absolutely the worst ride I have ever been on and I really don't hope to do it again! The climax of the trip was when we reached Red Mountain Pass with an elevation of 11,000 feet. We saw a sign that read "Unlawful to proceed without snow tires or chains". Well, I guess we're breaking the law again!!! We couldn't turn around so we had to keep going. I haven't yet mentioned that the whole trip in the mountains was in the middle of a ferocious snow storm, and by the time we got to Red Mountain, there was about 8 inches of snow on the ground!! Our brakes would only cause us to slide, so we used the weight of the trailer to slow us down... essentially SLIDING down the mountain. There was A LOT of praying during this trip and I commend David for his poise and patience during the tretcherous drive. We were definitely being looked after by Our Savior, Jesus Christ, and all of the thanks and praise goes straight to Him.

Once we reached Grand Junction, we ended up sleeping in the parking lot of the club that morning, because we couldn't get a hold of anyone to get the key to the band house. Once we got in the band house we were pleased to see it in great condition. The stove and everything else works great, so we are able to cook for ourselves and save lots of money!!

The shows are relatively boring so far because the club doesn't get much of a crowd early in the week. We're hoping the shows will be busy this weekend. David has a radio appearance Friday morning and we're headed to the college Friday afternoon to put flyers on cars.. hopefully that will drum up some business.

Hope all is well elsewhere in the world...


PS: My apologies go out to all of the Democratic members of my family (Kruses!)... FOUR MORE YEARS!!!!!