Thursday, February 02, 2006

That'll Be The Day...

Hey everybody...

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, but I didn't have internet access the entire time I was out with the Larkins. The tour went well enough, but I just wasn't crazy about having to play with pre-recorded guitar tracks. Plus, three weeks into the tour, the tour bus broke down. So in order to get home from Wendover, Nevada, we had to rent two mini-vans and drive. The bass player and I drove 28 hours straight to get back to Nashville. Not fun! The Larkins went out for two more weeks this week and next, but I bowed out. It's just not financially sound for me to leave Nashville for that long for so little money. I managed to pick up a weekend date with Aaron Solinger & The Redneck Rhythm Band. It's not a lot of money, but it's something and it's a new gig with people I haven't played for before.

Today is a somber day for me, as it is the anniversary of the day Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and J.P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson died in a plane crash in Clear Lake, Iowa. Actually, the plane crash was on February 3, 1959, but it was around 1 AM. The three stars played their last concert at the famous Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake. I used to go there all the time with Grandma Chrystol, as she seemed very happy that I was so enamored with Buddy. Aunt Grace always looked favorably on my obsession too, as she used to send me anything that the Clear Lake Mirror-Gazette published about him. So today I'll put on some Buddy, pull out my Fender Stratocaster and pay a little tribute to the man who taught me how to really love music.

We still miss you Buddy! Rave on!