Friday, February 18, 2005

Rain, rain go away!

Just checked out the weather for our Florida trip... RAIN!!! ::sigh:: I shouldn't be surprised at this. Whenever the family used to go to Clear Lake, we were lucky to get one day of sunshine while we were there. Why is it that God likes to rain on our parade?!? :-) Anyway, the trip will still be a blast, as I'm looking forward to hearing Katlin on his drums and seeing my friend Heather again will be great! Oh, yeah... and Kathy and Ron, I miss them too! LOL Not much else on the homefront.. just posting to post. Oh and if anyone wants a daily laugh -- check out my cousin Ryan's blog at it is HILARIOUS!


1 comment:

Ry said...

I was actually HAILED on during my drive to work today. Yesterday they spotted a water spout off the coast, so we had a tornado warning. Is this San Diego or Clinton?